The Legacy of B.K.S. Iyengar
I was inspired in many ways. First, by what he had taught. Second, as he had asked me to be close to him, I observed he was an actual living testimony in what he taught. Guruji lived his Yoga. It wasn’t just espousing words. To follow the steps of Yoga is in itself a natural transformation. The rest was my responsibility.
Who is David Meloni?
I continued to digest the work I did with him when he was alive. My devotion and dedication to him is paramount. He has given me so much. It is my humble duty to transmit the essence of his teachings. I endeavour to share wholeheartedly what I have learned from Guruji.
It had been an honor to study with B.K.S. Iyengar
Parampara! Fulling the tradition, the lineage: From the master to the student the knowledge is passed on so that one day, the student becomes the master. It is a duty to continue his teachings. So the tradition is not lost.